Who is Amnio Technology?

Amnio Technology, LLC is a global leader in the development and use of amnion-­derived technologies.

What We Do

Amniotic tissue contains key growth factors, cytokines, amino acids, carbohydrates, hyaluronic acid, extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, and cellular components recognized as intrinsic to the complex wound healing process. Published studies on the benefits and efficacy of amniotic tissue in wounds date back over 100 years.

Amnio Technology is focused on optimizing the regenerative potential and clinical use of these unique tissues. PalinGen® products do not require fetal sacrifice and recovery is performed with maternal consent during elective Cesarean delivery.

Donor tissue is recovered using one of the safest recovery techniques and sterile equipment to minimize bioburden contamination. The amniotic tissues are procured through a network of qualified and trained recovery partners, following stringent screening and recovery protocols in a highly controlled processing environment.

  • Our Mission

    Amnio Technology enhances the gift of human birth tissue donation by developing, processing and distributing innovative allografts that provide regenerative therapies to improve quality of life.

  • Our Vision

    Amnio Technology is committed to advancing the science of regenerative medicine by developing and introducing new amniotic tissue allografts and technologies to treat patients in need.